
sâmbătă, 5 mai 2012

Fast Girls (2012)

Drama | Sport  -   15 June 2012 (UK) 
Stars:Bradley James, Rupert Graves and Noel Clarke
Director:Regan Hall
    Fast Girls may be being pitched as Streetdance meets Bend It Like Beckham, but its star and co-writer Noel Clarke thinks its more “Rocky, with girls in lycra”.
    Developed and produced by Damian Jones, Fast Girls centres on two girls competing in the same British sprint relay team, but from very different backgrounds, as they gear up for a fictional world athletics championships.
    Shooting took place November and December in London – locations included Lee Valley Athletics Track, Crystal Palace, the Tate Modern and various London estates and nightclubs. It was a tight shoot and it’s going to be an even tighter post production process, as the film is due to be released in the UK on June 15 by StudioCanal, ahead of the Olympics.

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